You may keep small pets that do not require outside access, such as small caged animals, birds and fish, without seeking permission.
Please seek our permission to keep other pets, such as dogs, cats, ‘exotic’ pets and animals such as chickens. We consider each request on its merits and will not withhold permission unreasonably. Please read more about our conditions of pet ownership here
Completed permission requests should be returned to:
Generally, we allow pets that are appropriate to the type of property with the exception of flat blocks covered by a Local Lettings Policy where we may not give permission to keep dogs.
Animals which may not be kept in our homes
- Farm animals (unless you can prove there is adequate provision in the garden)
- Animals which should be licensed under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
- Dogs of a type specified in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and The Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997
Responsible pet ownership
The RSPCA has produced some really useful guidance on pet ownership here
We expect your pet to:
- Be well looked after
- Be kept under proper control at all times (dogs must be kept on a lead in communal areas)
- Not cause a nuisance or danger to people or other animals
- Not cause damage to property or communal areas
- Not foul communal areas (in the event that it does, we expect you to dispose of this immediately)
- Be kept in an adequate pen, tank or cage (where appropriate)
- Not roam into neighbouring areas and gardens (if you own a dog, please make sure that your garden is fenced)
- Be moved into another room if requested by a visiting member of staff or contractor.